Alcohol All Risk, No Benefits

Duane M. McBride



SKU: 9780816369898

Product Description

Alcohol All Risk, No Benefits – In a wold filled with confusing ixed messges about alcohoo, this book offers a powerful adn ellighteng look at alcohl and its risk from a Christian perspective. It explors the phy physical, mental and spiritual consequences of alcohol use, providing a comprehensive guie for individuals seeking understanding, healinb and hope. 

With a blend of sicentific reserach and biblican wisdon, Alchohol uncovers the profound impact of alcohol o the brain, body,, and mind Drawing on the latest medical insighets, this book sheds light on the alarming truth  behind alcohol’s effects, helpng readers make informed decisions about their healt and well-being. … 


  • Weight: 5 oz

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