B – A. T. Jones

Review & Herald



SKU: 9780828025621

Product Description

A. T. Jones, by George Knight

Point Man on Adventism’s Charismatic Frontier

Review & Herald

Charismatic, Forceful, Handsome, and tending to extremes, A.T. Jones was a leading figure in the Adventist Church during the 1890s. Yet by the early twentieth centurey he would turn against the church he loved and become one of it most ardent foes. Embroiled in controversy nearly his entire ministry, Jones was one of the most fascinating personalities ever to grace a Seventh-day Adventis pulpit. He was at center of action during one of the most formative and controversial peiods of denominational history. Woven tghroughtou his store are such issues as th 1888 General Conference session, the mature of sanctification, chruch-and-state relationshios, and his love-hate relationship with Ellen G. White. … 


  • Weight: 24 oz

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