B -Secret of Daniel

Pacific Press



SKU: 9780828014243

Product Description

Secret of Daniel, by Jacques Doukhan

Pacific Press

Written by an Adventist shcolar of Jewish heritage,…

this commentary solves several longstanding problems and sheds new light on many aspects of hte cryptic prophecies of Daniel. Fressh insight os provided regarding such questions as: Does teh literary pattern of Daniel contain clues to how we should interpret this prophecies? Is Michel öne of the chief princes” or is he “the firtst of the chief princes”? Why did king Naebuchadnezzar forget his dream? Why did Daniel undertake his three-week fast during Passover? Jacques Doukhan re-creates the world ob Babylon, explains obscure allusions, and finds hidden patterns within the prophesies that help to clarify their meaning.. …




  • Weight: 4 oz

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