B – W. W. Prescott

Review & Herald



SKU: 9780828018920

Product Description

W. W. Prescott, by Gilbert  M. Valentine

Forgotten Giant of Adventism’s Second Generation

Review & Herald

What a preacher! His resonant voice could best a thunderstorm. Known for both wisdom and overwork, he was president of three colleges at once, and founded or laid the groundwork for four (Union, Walla Walla, Newbold, and Avondale). He started out as journalist. With a first-class education from dartmouth. W.W. Prescott was soon editing a successful newspaper . The call to shepherd Battle Creek College involved a major pay cut. But over time he reshaped the church’s educational system and politics. Holding 11 different office simultaneously, he initiated curriculum reforms (less classics, more Bible) tghat met with strong opposition. His organizational reforms triumphed in 1901. … 


  • Weight: 24 oz

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